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Am I Ready to Get Married? How to Decide

Am I ready to get married? Well, probably most of us had asked this question before committing to another person. This is one of the most common questions newly engaged brides or grooms ask themselves. 

A question of this magnitude should be a long thought-out process... After all, getting married is one of the biggest decisions in our lives.

This post is a suggestion for questions to ask yourself before getting married. No one can determine if that’s the right person.

Are You Ready to Get Married? Here’s How to Decide..

Before you can determine if you ready to get married, it is important that you first make sure that you’re with the right person.

A few signs that indicate you with the right person are…

You Make Sacrifices for One Another

There are sacrifices you will need to make in a marriage, such as not always getting to do things your way and on your time.

If things aren’t one-sided, and you both can compromise for the overall health of the relationship then that’s a great sign you’re with the right person.

You Share the Same Values and Goals

are you ever ready for marriage

Having similar goals and values is critical.

Some of these include financial goals, lifestyle aspirations, and career goals.

When your goals and values aren’t aligned, the relationship will almost surely end in divorce

Do They Try to Change You?

There’s a difference between encouraging someone to be the best version of themself and ultimately trying to change them to fit your desires. If your partner accepts you as you are and only encourages you to become a better person, they’re a keeper.

How Your Partner Deals With and Resolves Tension, Problems, and Conflicts  

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 No relationship exists without an argument. You and your future spouse must know how to resolve conflicts when they arise.

Do they pout, throw a fit, avoid the issue altogether, or take a proactive stance on solving things?

 Does The Idea of Spending Your Lives Together Makes You Happy?

how to tell if ready for marriage

How do you feel about the thought of spending your life with this person? Are you happy about it? Or maybe for some reason you feel doubted?

Sometimes our intuition speaks a thousand words. If you feel excited and cannot wait to be with your partner for a lifetime, that’s a great sign!

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Jennifer Tanaka

Jennifer is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a passion for helping couples struggling within their marriage, relationship, or during the divorce process.

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