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Communication is a Key to Successful Marriage

Communication is the key to Successful Marriage! It is vital in making a great marriage at work. The day-to-day conversations between a married couple and people help to share our feelings. Moreover, we solve issues, problems, and conflicts by talking to each other.

Communication is when two or more people interact. It is a bridge between humans. For that bridge to be built, we need to know how to do it correctly, just like communication. To have a positive outcome in any relationship, one must know how to interact with each other appropriately.

They also allow discussing personal thoughts and goals regularly.

According to Sillars & Vangelisti (2018), communication is how people construct and sustain the importance of relationships in studying relationships.

Communication in Marriage Prevents Misunderstanding

Sharing our perspectives, opinions, pasts, and present events boost understanding. This ensures that actions and words don’t surprise us in case of misunderstandings.

Communication helps to make things clear by talking them out together. Previous misunderstandings can be dealt with through explanations.

Confusion is the leading cause of damaging the relationship. It could be avoided by talking. Opening up reduces the chances of misunderstandings.

Sometimes, people do not mean to hurt a spouse or a partner. Nevertheless, it happens if they do not open up.

The detail may be minor and still causes negative feelings or positive feelings or negative feelings, though. For example, if a husband dislikes watching a movie with his wife.

Why not share the feeling? Next time, you can choose what to watch together.

According to Marks & Hope, two people use different communication styles, and a couple needs to understand each other.

It is easier when we know what each of us is dealing with. And that can only be possible through open channels of communication.

Communication is a key to successful marriage

Wife and husband having a conversation


Trust ensures that there is engagement between married couples. When there is communication in marriage, openness and connection are assured.

Research shows when a partner communicates openly, it’s easy to trust them, unlike when they are defensive and have built walls around them.

Moreover, when a person is open to sharing their vulnerability, feelings, and thoughts, we grow to respect them. It allows us to get to know the partner better.

Peace of Mind

Communication helps us to have peace of mind. It’s easier to tell our partners what we want instead of leaving them to guess. Imagine playing a guessing game in a relationship. Assuming can result in an error and cause a conflict.

For instance, a husband assumes to bring roses for an anniversary without knowing that her favorite flower is tulips. Well, flowers are always great. Nevertheless, favorite flowers are much better for a present.

Such a tiny thing gives a spike in a relationship. Once again, impossible to know without having conversations.

Coordination is critical in a great marriage too. It’s enabled by effective communication beforehand. Asking what our partners want directly helps in doing the right thing.

Talking with a partner helps to save time that would be wasted on fights. Arguments bring only damage to any relationship. Conversations ensure saving time and reducing stress.

Our bond is strengthened when we discuss our lives and communicate regularly. It’s important to let your partner know you love them instead of leaving them to assume you do; fear will lead to harm rather than good in your marriage; hence it’s essential to be open (Sasa, 2018).

Trust Building Exercises for Couples

Couple communicating in peace

Marital Satisfaction

According to Lavner et al. (2016), there’s a clear relationship between communication in marriage and marital satisfaction. Conversational skills are essential in a marriage. Poor communication in marriage often leads to distress and negativity in case of marital issues.

When there is good communication there, there is connectivity and satisfaction in the marriage. A partner becomes a confidant and shows interest in the relationship.

Discussions between each other about everything lessen quarrels and fights. Expressive communication and being vocal help in building a connection are a way to exhibit one’s emotions to their spouse (Raina, 2019)


In a marriage, a couple can grow together or apart, which can be affected by how they interact. To ensure growth with a partner, always keep the communication lines open. In case of any changes with a loved one, it is easier to notice from a conversation with each other.

Kathy and Joe had many issues and challenges in their relationship. Kathy, however, found a way to improve it. And that is, by talking everything out, Joe’s evolution changes do not come as a surprise anymore because they talked as best friends.

Moreover, Kathy and Joe loved each other’s new sides through conversing. They grew as a couple instead of falling apart.

Boost the Health

Good communication can help boost the marriage’s mental health too; it becomes more passionate. Partners and happy couples feel support which is very important in any relationship.

During conversations, partners can express positive feelings and negative feelings about many things, discuss their dreams, and speak freely.

Talking to a spouse about personal issues and desires helps reduce stress, which leads to better mental health too. Through talking with a partner, sort feelings, be calm, and not be anxious about the future.

The partner feels better knowing they can lean on each other and feel loved. Spouses should never forget communication is the key to a successful marriage or any relationship.

Tips on How to Make Effective Communication in Marriage

Couple Planning Goals Together, Communication is great for relationship

Young couple communicating

Listen Carefully

Communication in itself isn’t a problem. However, when done poorly, it seems difficult conversations could lead to anger and distancing. This especially happens when it’s one-sided.

For it to be healthy and effective, everyone and children should be allowed to express their feelings and emotions without being told how to feel or react. Try as much as possible not to hear or talk over them.

When you give a person space to express themselves, they will most likely reciprocate that when it’s your turn.

Be Mentally Present

Most people miss out on what someone is saying because their attention is mainly focused on what they should say next. By focusing on the person talking, you can quickly notice the tone of their voice and body language, which are also significant.

Be mentally present while communicating with a partner. You might miss out on something significant if it fails to catch. It might cause arguments, conflicts, and misunderstandings later on.

Take a Break When Need Be

Sometimes taking a break from a conversation is necessary. When someone is too emotional, it can be difficult to communicate effectively without causing a fight.

Remember that, let the other person know you need a break and assure them that after cooling off, you will sit down and devise a solution together.

The silent treatment can happen and leave the spouse, parents, or other partner feeling ignored. The effect could be very upsetting. Moreover, silence can also cause the other partner to get aggravated and confused. The explanation is necessary.

The partner can only guess your thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Once again, always better to talk about the reasons for the actions.

Perfect Timing

If you have been bothered by something and would like it to be addressed, choosing the right time to bring it up determines the success of your conversation.

People tend to get irritated quickly when preoccupied with an activity such as work or when hungry. The best approach would be to ask your spouse when they can spare time and converse.

Scheduling time to have the conversation is essential as you don’t want to put it off for an extended period. When people are forced to wait and suppress their emotions and feelings, they start getting disconnected. Instead of speaking up, they keep things for themselves as time passes.

Don’t Bring Up the Past

Once a conversation is made, it’s time to move on. Refrain from bringing up past negative behaviors positive feelings and mistakes every time someone does you wrong. Instead, focus on the present problem and determine what can be done to address the issue.

Remember, the past is in the past, and you can do nothing to change it. However, a lot can be done to ensure that the current issue doesn’t occur in the future.

Instead of wording like, this is what you always do, go for words like, you did this or that, and I’m not happy about it, or my feelings were hurt. Try to resolve the issue using different wording like, we need, let’s discuss together; it is us who should. No one likes to be blamed. Do not let your partner feel ashamed or guilty. Always start on a positive note; remember, you are a team. There is no you or me, the words we and us.

Be Intentional About Correcting Your Mistakes

Just because your partner isn’t dwelling on the past doesn’t mean you should repeat the same mistakes.

However, the big question is, are you hurting them because you forgot or already know they’ll forgive you?

It’s your responsibility to address any negative behaviors or patterns you have. A good example is if your partner doesn’t like it when you interrupt or shout at them, be mindful of these features the next time you’re conversing.

If you tend to use humor, proper timing is vital. Although humor can help relieve stress and ease the conversation.

It can make the other person feel devalued and not taken seriously when misused. If you can’t determine when it’s most appropriate, it’s best to avoid humor altogether.

Don’t Tell Someone How to Feel

Reading your partner’s facial expressions differs from telling them how they should feel. Instead, it would be best to let them express their feelings or thoughts in their own words.

This, too, applies to the one having issues. You shouldn’t hold things in and assume that your spouse will figure it out no matter what. The truth is, they might not, and it’ll cause you more harm.

If you need something done in your family in a particular way or specific family behavior corrected, learn to express yourself.

Moreover, your sexual life also is an important factor involved in this. Healthy sexual communication is vital to increasing comfort and intimacy in happy couples. You want to know how they feel instead of telling them how.

It’s the key to a deeper understanding of your partner’s needs and desires. Aside from expressing your likes and dislikes, ensure you let them know when they’re doing something right.

A little praise can go a long way. Keep in mind that practice makes perfect. So, although they might not get it right the first time, they eventually will.

Put Yourself in Their Position

A majority of people don’t take criticism well. As a result, instead of trying to understand what someone is saying, they get defensive. Sometimes, the most appropriate thing to do for your relationship is to respond empathetically.

Take some time to think and understand what they were saying and see if there’s any truth in it. In many cases, both parties might have played a role.

Look for what’s your fault and admit it. It often motivates your spouse to look for a solution instead of trying to win the conversation.

Communication Skills and Training Activities

Communication has a significant impact on marriage or relationships as a whole. If you and your partner are unable to communicate correctly, you will affect other areas of your including:

  • How do you manage problems
  • How you use your leisure time
  • How you connect

If communication in your relationship or marriage isn’t as strong as you’d want, you should strive to improve it. There are games to play to do so.

Here are some interactive games that can boost communication skills.

Games to Play for Improving Communication in Marriage


Physical and verbal games are the most effective technique to improve communication in a marriage. In Minefield, one partner is temporarily blind while the other verbally guide them through the chamber.

You must verbally steer your blindfolded partner around the room to avoid the obstacles or mines you have placed. There should be clear directions and trust between the participants to accomplish the objective of this entertaining communication game for couples.

Helping Hand

Couples may improve their communication skills by participating in engaging communication activities. “Helping Hand” is a game that fosters communication between partners but, despite its apparent simplicity, may be difficult for married couples.

While executing a typical job, the aim is to button a shirt or tie a shoe with one hand tied behind the back. It allows for good teamwork and improves communication skills via seemingly easy tasks.

Guess the Emotion

Because most of our communication is nonverbal, you should choose relationship communication games to assist you better in this element. Before commencing the ‘Guess the Emotion’ game, both participants must write down a box of feelings. While the other player guesses, one player will act out the emotion drawn randomly from a box. If you wish to make it a contest, you may award points for each correct guess.

Two Truths and a Lie

Playing communication games helps people get to know one another better. You and your partner will each tell one fake and two truthful facts about yourself. The other must identify which assertion is false.

The Famous 36 Questions

The famous 36 questions help in understanding how intimacy develops. The most important factor is communication since sharing is how we learn to love one another.

As you go through the questionnaire, the questions grow increasingly personal and meaningful. Pay attention to how your comprehension and knowledge increase as you alternate between answering the questions.

The Game of Truth

The Game of Truth is a simple yet powerful communication game for couples. Simply ask your spouse questions, and you will get genuine responses. The topics of the game might range from frivolous (such as a favorite book, movie, or childhood infatuation) to sad (such as hopes, dreams, and fears).

The 7 Breath-Forehead Connection

Playing communication games with your spouse may strengthen your bond and make you more aware of nonverbal clues. To play this game, you must lie near each other and lightly touch your foreheads. Hold this stance for at least seven breaths, staring each other in the eyes. This game promotes connection and nonverbal communication.

Uninterrupted Listening

One of the most effective communication games you can play with your partner is listening. One pair will give a five-minute presentation on any topic of their choosing. After the timer goes off, switch partners and have them share for 5 minutes. This and other beneficial communication games increase both verbal and nonverbal communication.

Eye See You

When words fail to express themselves, silence may sometimes be more powerful. So, the ideal activity for communication for married couples should include some quiet time. Consider this game if you and your partner don’t chat much and seek entertaining communication training and activities for couples.

Spend three to five minutes calmly looking into each other’s eyes and observing their body language. Next, take a comfy seat and be silent, then reflect on the fun things and activities you’ve shared throughout time.

The “Always-Never” Game

Most couples don’t usually observe limits when fighting, exacerbating the situation. Playing interesting communication games might help you eliminate bad terms from your vocabulary. You may take it further and make the one who talks in the future put money in a jar or do the laundry.

Improving your connection with your partner via communication does not have to be tough.

People also ask:

Is It Possible to Communicate Through Games?

Even though contact occurs in-game rather than by phone, text, or in-person, the connections built and messages transmitted are the same. Even if gamers spent all their time chatting about the game, it would still be a terrific way to meet new people.

What Effect Do Video Games Have on Our Lives?

Playing video games stimulates neural circuit growth by increasing attention and neurotransmitter levels, giving the brain exercise. Playing video games may help you develop mental abilities, such as thinking and problem-solving. Spatial awareness, fine motor coordination, and hand-eye coordination are all critical.

Seek Professional Help

Sometimes in marriage, you need a neutral person to help you solve the communication issues you’ve been battling.

If issues in your marriage are causing you to withdraw from others, it’s a clear sign you need professional help. Again, if the state of your marriage is decreasing the quality of your life and causing you to miss school or work, it’s time to get some help.

Mental health issues like stress, anxiety or depression, agoraphobia, fatigue, resentment, and anger towards your partner and people are indications that you need professional help.

If you’re losing motivation or are less excited about things that used to be important to you, it’s time you get some help.


Open communication in a marriage or any is very important since it develops a well-rounded and healthy relationship. To have a successful and happy marriage it requires conversing with each other.

Balancing physical, verbal, and nonverbal communication is essential and can help in making sure a partner knows that you value the marriage or just a relationship/

Being open to the partner and honest during conversations plays a big part in a healthy relationship too. Communication can be a good investment for a married couple or couples who want to go far together.

It helps to build a happy marriage or any relationship. Talk to each other. After all, communication is the key to a successful marriage! You must find the proper communication method to make it work and succeed.

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Lana Smith

I am a relationship coach. My passion is helping couples make their relationships work. I earned my bachelor's degree and hold a Master of Science in Education. I take my inspiration from watching and listening to people every day. . I do extensive research and love to compare the opinions of experts to help form my own. I have spent years learning about the dynamics of relationships and what makes them work. My goal is to apply what I have learned in the classroom and through experience to help others.

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