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Ideas for Couples Game Night

A couples game night can be perfect for you and your partner to unwind after a fun date or long day.

Game nights offer new experiences and quality time to bond with each other.

Whether you’re searching for games to play at a party or by yourselves at home, whether from couples night fun games or just a lazy Sunday game night, this list has got you covered!

With everything from romantic game ideas to more of a party game, you will have various ideas for your next shindig.

Without further ado, let’s so you can plan the perfect couples game night!

In a hurry or just plain curious? 

These specific games are the most popular amongst our readers and provide hours of entertainment when played with others!
couples' game night the best games for a couples game night

Fun Games to Play At a Party for a Couples Game Night

1. Cards Against Humanity!

couples' game night, cards

This favorite cult card game has one goal: to elicit the ridiculous answers to random questions possible!

Each round, one player reads a scenario or a question from a card, and then everyone else must provide the *best* response from their cards.

From clever to downright disgusting, each round is different.

2. Pick your Poison

If you’re looking for a game that will make you and your guests laugh over how uncomfortable you are, Pick Your Poison is for you!

This hilarious adult version of “would you rather” will present players with some awful albeit hilarious choices that will ultimately have you all getting to know one another on a very different level.

couples' game night

3. Never Have I Ever

couples' game night

This classic drinking game is fun and sets the mood for couples game nights.

This straightforward game lets you and your guests learn fun things about one another.

You will find it funny to learn scandalous things about people they would likely not otherwise tell you!

Plus, with a bit of alcohol, everything is five times funnier.

Late Night Games for Couples

1. Midnight Outburst

Couples' game

You may remember playing “Outburst,” the kid-friendly version of Midnight Outburst as a child.

The premises are similar – groups must try to name as many top ten answers on a card as possible quickly.

However, the subject matter in the midnight outburst is a little racier.

From topics like “Slang for marijuana” to “Things some people swallow, and some don’t,” you’re guaranteed a lot of laughs as you and your teammates try to guess as many correct answers as possible.

Midnight Outburst will make a great party game for married couples.

2. Joking Hazard

couples' game night

This game is great fun for everyone, whether you are a player or a judge for that round!

The premise is simple, flip a card off the deck, have the judge add a 2nd card to get the mini-comic strip started, and then all remaining players secretly submit their card to finish the strip.

The judge then picks the best card to complete the comic!

This game is like cards against humanity but with pictures and gives the judging player more involvement!

Romantic Games for Couples To Grow Closer

1. Better Me – Game of Growth 

couples' game night

If you’re looking for something more wholesome, this game is definitely for you. Instead of being vulgar and racy, this game encourages players to open up and promotes positive thinking.

This game will help you better understand the values and morals of those you play with.

2. The Discovery Game for a Married Couple

couples' game night

If you’re looking for a game you and your spouse can enjoy together, this is it!

This game gets the conversation going on various topics that help bring you and your spouse closer.

In concept, it sounds boring or cheesy, but trust me when I say it’s a lot of fun and can even add some spice without being overtly sexual.

If you’re looking for a fun game for couples to play at home, then this is a great option

Games For Couples That Can Be Played Online

1. Second Life

Second life is a virtual game where characters can perform various tasks as they would in real life.

With everything from buying and selling stuff to gambling and more, this game is true to the name and is virtually (no pun intended) identical to having a second life.

You and your partner could have new experiences inside this game, including exploring new things that might prove more challenging to perform in real life.

couples' game night

2. Pogo

Is virtual reality not your thing? Then try one of these multiplayer games from Pogo!

Pogo is free to join and great when you can’t think of anything to do.

This site offers a wide variety of board games, card games, word games, and more!

With everything from Scrabble and Monopoly to Rummy, Pogo is bound to have a video game to complement your game night.

couples' game night

So there you have it! A list of fun couples’ game night ideas.

A couples game night is a great way to connect with your partner and have a good time.

Did we miss one of your favorites? Let us know in the comment section below.

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Robert Hughes

Robert helps couples and families alike resolve, accept, and improve turbulence, trauma, and tension within their interpersonal relationships.